Monthly Partnership

Partner with Evangelist David Diga Hernandez in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Your monthly gift makes a lasting impact. Partner with us today to support evangelistic events, a massive media outreach, the Holy Spirit School Online, philanthropic gospel-centered initiatives, and more.

Do your part in helping us proclaim salvation to the lost, healing to the sick, deliverance to the captive, and empowerment to believers around the world. Be one of thousands who are helping us to reach millions with God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Partner Benefits

In addition to knowing that your monthly gift is impacting lives, our partners also enjoy the following benefits as tokens of gratitude from our ministry. These benefits apply to all partner tiers $15+.

Monthly Live Video Call: Every month, David will host a live video call exclusively for our monthly partners. Partners are notified via email each month.

Partner Pin: Each monthly partner will receive our custom dove lapel pin that can be worn to share your support.

Reserved Event Seating: Almost every event we host goes into overflow. Partners can reserve event seating for them and their loved ones.

Invitation to Partner-Exclusive Gatherings: Receive invites to special partner-exclusive events.

Partner Discount: Partners receive a 10% discount on our ministry’s e-store and at in-person events.

Partner benefits are subject to change without notice.

For those who consider DHM their Church, here is an option for automatic tithing. You may customize the amount to reflect your tithe.


Q: If I customize my monthly giving amount, do I still receive the partner benefits?

A: Yes. The partner benefits will vary based upon in what plan your custom amount lands.

Q: What if I want to cancel my monthly partnership?

A: You can cancel or pause your monthly partnership at any time by calling or emailing our ministry.

Q: Are partner donations refundable?

A: Because partner gifts are donations, we do not offer refunds.

Q: To be a monthly partner, do I need to sign up every month?

A: No. You only need to sign up once for the automatic giving plan. If you select the monthly option on the giving form, the amount will be deducted automatically each month.

Still have a question? Send us an email by clicking here.