Once God has chosen you, it’s not possible for others to prevent your promotion. Once God has selected you for a purpose, even the most jealous, competitive, or ambitious people can’t stop the mantle from falling onto your shoulders.
The Power in Your Hand
Don’t wait for the ideal situation to present itself before you step out in obedience toward God. Whatever it is He has called you to do can be accomplished. The next step can be taken. The next task can be completed. You don’t need to wait. Just step out and do what you’re supposed to do right now with what you have in your hand.
10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Quit
The Unstoppable Favor of God
Ministry Motives: Avoiding Jealousy and a Competitive Spirit
We who are in ministry must never allow ourselves to be overcome by jealous ambition. If you see the success of others as a threat, you need to purify your motives. If you secretly hope your fellow believer fails, you need to purify your motives. If you want to grow your ministry simply to up your status, you need to purify your motives.
What is God's Perfect Will for You?
Disqualified from God's Call?
Of course, if believers want to be used by God, they ought to live holy lives. But perhaps you’ve made mistakes that you think have permanently disqualified you from ever being used by God again. Maybe you feel overwhelming shame and guilt - and it’s difficult for you to move forward. Let’s gain some perspective from the Scripture.
Encounters Lead to Callings
When Adam had life breathed into him, he became the steward of the earth. When Abraham heard God, he was called as a father of many nations. When Moses saw the burning bush, he was called as a deliverer. Isaiah saw God in the temple. Jeremiah felt fire in his bones. Ezekiel saw Heaven opened. The apostles sat with Jesus. The early church heard the wind and saw the fire of the Holy Spirit. Truly, encounters lead to callings.
Planted by the Hand of God
No More Excuses
We have the tendency to disqualify ourselves. When God gives us a mission, we recount our mistakes. When God gives us an assignment, we hide behind our imperfections. And while it might seem humble to count yourself out, think of the arrogance of saying, “I know better than God.” Think of the audacity of saying, “God’s power within me isn’t enough to make up for the flaws within me.”
7 Levels of Ministry Influence
The Holy Spirit loves us all equally, but He trusts us in proportion to our obedience. Every sincere believer wants to be trusted and used by the Lord. So what’s the first step? Being used by God is as simple as obeying God. Simply do what’s before you, and allow promotion to come from the Lord.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8, NLT)
You will receive power when the Spirit comes upon you. What’s the purpose of that power? The purpose of that power is to turn you into a witness, one who shares the gospel. And as you are faithful in sharing the gospel, God is the One Who brings about the results. You do the possible, and God will do the impossible. You preach the gospel, and God will save the lost.
Now, notice that the Bible says, “in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The early Church spread the gospel first in the city of Jerusalem, then the regions of Judea and Samaria, and finally to the ends of the earth.
Their influence grew gradually. So I believe it also goes with us.
These are the seven levels of ministry influence:
Personal influence first occurs in you, as the Holy Spirit works on your character and nature. He breaks the bondage of sin over your life and delivers you from demonic influence. That personal influence then begins to touch your loved ones. This is the initial stage of ministry impact.
Then the Spirit will raise you to become effective in a local body of believers, a local church, corporate influence. And, yes, a local church is Biblical. God creates systems - the solar system, your immune system, ecosystems, and so forth. Creation is filled with orderly systems that reflect the orderly nature of God. The church is no different. Yes, it’s organized, and, yes, that’s how God intended it. And it’s not possible to edify the body of Christ using your spiritual gifts outside of the context of the body of Christ, which is clearly described in the New Testament. And if you are faithful to serve in a local body of believers, God may raise you to have regional influence.
Regional influence is impact over a city or even a State or province. Likewise, national and global influence impact nations and the world.
Now, here I must stress that it’s important to think of ourselves soberly. Just because I preach in different States doesn’t mean I have national influence. Just because I have a list of countries on my preaching itinerary doesn’t mean I have national or global influence. National influence means that when I operate in my gift, nations shift. The same concept applies to global influence. Very few reach that level.
However, the level of your influence really is up to God. After all, it’s about His agenda, not our notoriety. So don’t concern yourself with how you’re raised. Just obey what God has spoken and leave promotion in His hands. How far you’ll go is none of your business. So don’t go after influence, go after obedience.
And as we obey, we all can share in the collective impact of generational and eternal consequence. Just by living a holy life that glorifies God, you become the preservation of your generation - and generations beyond. And by simply sharing the gospel, you’re not just impacting lives; you’re impacting eternities.
Do Something for God
Becoming a Vessel of Healing
Heroes of the faith are reflections of the glory of God, but they are only reflections. While we can receive impartation, wisdom, and inspiration from those who have gone before us, we must aim to imitate them only in this one regard: ourselves becoming reflections of the brightest light. We must look to reflect Jesus.
Cleansed and Called
Before God will use you, He will cleanse you. Of course, one mustn’t be perfect before becoming useful in God’s hand. However, there is a standard God has set before us at the threshold of each promotion. The promotion upon your life is directly proportional to the purity within your life. As you allow God to cleanse you, you become more able to cooperate with His agenda for your life.
Great Faithfulness
Partnering with God
You must show faithfulness. And you have to give Him something to bless. You can’t expect God to bless your ministry if the only hard work you do is to keep yourself from hard work. There are no shortcuts in God’s kingdom. Quick works will quickly fail. God gives visions AND plans. The vision is the heart; the plan is the action.