Bitterness can reveal itself it many ways: anger, cynicism, loss of joy, frustration, and a lack of patience. The good news? There is freedom available to you. The answer is simple…
Repentance: Change Your Mind
The Holiness Spirit
Cleansing in God's House
The Holiness Spirit
Don't Hurt the Holy Spirit
Disobedience to the Word of God grieves the Holy Spirit. Ungodly thoughts grieve the Holy Spirit. When we prioritize entertainment over prayer, we grieve the Holy Spirit. When we ignore His gentle voice, we grieve the Holy Spirit. When we are more committed to interacting on social media than we are to reading the Bible, we grieve the Holy Spirit. When we allow anger to get the best of us, lust to control us, and fear to dominate us, we grieve the Holy Spirit.
The Rain of Judgment
Like in the days of Noah: people were living life as usual. Calamity fell upon them unexpectedly, from seemingly nowhere. So it will be in our day. Many will be busy with their usual living - people will be marrying, graduating, raising families, starting businesses, indulging in pleasures, and carrying on with life as they know it.
Purified for a Purpose
You Are a Miracle
Other-Worldly Beings
Bold As Lions
Remnant Rising
What is the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
But remember, we still don’t know whether or not the pharisees had already committed it or were merely coming close to committing it. The Biblical text implies a very deep-rooted form of sin. You can’t commit this sin on accident, yet we should still tread carefully. After all, I don’t want to inspire ease where Jesus sought to inspire fear.