If this season has discouraged you, drained you, then now is the time to let your faith come alive again. If the enemy has come against you, push back even harder in faith. Lay hold of God’s every promise. Take every Word He has spoken to you and commit your heart to accept it as your only reality.
Healing, Deliverance, Gifts, and Miracles are for Today: The Problems with Cessationism
It is my prayer that every believer would come to know the fulness of the Holy Spirit’s power. Every believer has the Holy Spirit, but that doesn’t mean that the Holy Spirit has every believer. As I see it, those who reject the spiritual gifts are simply choosing to settle; they’re choosing to do things the hard way.
Faith in Action
You Are a Miracle
The Healing Touch of Jesus
I love the way the Scripture words that: “…as many as touched him were made whole.” And the wonderful reality is that Jesus still heals. Nowhere in all of Scripture does it teach that Jesus has stopped working miracles. Everything Jesus was anointed to do while here on the earth, the Holy Spirit continues to do for and through us.
He opens springs of water in the desert, causes the Sun to stand still, sends fire from Heavenly places, and commands power over the grave. He’s the One Who spoke and brought galaxies into existence. His breath caused the waters of the Red Sea to stand like walls and the walls of Jericho to fall like water.
Only Believe
The Touch of Healing
Setting the Atmosphere
Doubt: An Unwelcome Enemy of Healing
Your Healing: Just a Matter of Time
If Jesus wanted you to be sick, He would not have paid such a high price for your healing. Healing is God’s will. Your healing is God’s will. Healing is a blessing of the cross, a gift of the covenant. The shed blood of Jesus was the purchase price for your total well-being. As surely as God is in control, your healing is on its way.
The Healing Touch of Jesus
It takes but one touch from the Master’s hand to bring forth a miraculous healing. To heal the sick, Jesus neither toils nor fails. Healing virtue flows mightily from Him and in great abundance. Whether you are in need of a healing yourself or desire to minister God’s healing power to the sick, you need to learn one thing and one thing only: it is the touch of Jesus that heals the sick.
He Healed Them All!
The touch of the Lord’s hand healed each and every person who approached Him for healing. (See also: Acts 10:38; Matthew 4:23; Matthew 9:35; Matthew 12:15; Luke 6:19) He healed them no matter what their diseases were. Both serious and minor illnesses alike were completely healed. Jesus never rejected a single person who approached Him in child-like faith. He has not changed.
The Potential of a Moment
All My Nothing
Divine Rescue
A Shadow of Healing
Now many often quote that verse and assert that “Peter’s shadow healed people!” But that’s not exactly what the scripture says. The scripture tells us that the people were the ones who brought out the sick. Peter didn’t tell them to do this; this is something they did on their own. And why would they do this? What odd occurrences might have led these people to believe that Peter’s shadow could heal? It’s because the healing presence of Jesus was so intense on Peter that people were healed just by being around him!